Reuters - Millions Flee South China Floods
Moving back to previous topics and the video topic of the last few days, I return to food, and agricultural commodities. Food prices are rising. This video, displayed both above at times in the youtube provides videos explains the situation on a human level. It is form a news agency from New Zealand, and they explore the impact in the Philippines...
And I must say, I do not agree with everything in the below video or even the things the man, Carlos Mencia says on his tv show. However, in the wake of the food crisis, and having recently seen this video on TV, here is a clip offered by Comedy
I don't mean to be crude and I warn readers under the age of 14 (personally decided age limit... officially I should say 17), to be warned there might be questionable footage in the video below, please exercise self control and do not watch it if you are underage.
Even the big guns of comedy central know there is a problem, it is ridiculous instead of action we see speculation on agricultural commodities and other foodstuffs. I can't admit it does not make me happy to see Peru, the country my mother was born and raised in, actually making money and growing from the sale of fish meal, but at the same time in today's day and age lets not make people go hungry. Maybe a humorous approach towards this topic will connect to some... Keep in mind the younger generations of the WORLD, grow up on these shows... so it might do some readers well to keep informed with the messages being conveyed to today's youth via media.
I will say on a side note I am slightly bias, and do like Carlos Mencia, if only everyone understood Spanish... and the latino culture, his jokes would make so much more sense. I must also thank Comedy Central for offering video of their highest rated shows on the video section of the homepage.
Click here to view video... I refrain from using the "embed feature" due to inappropriate content for younger kids and comedy central's odd choice of the opening screen shot to display when I "embed" or rather place the video directly into my page.
Speed Winner
4 days ago
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