In 2006, over 10,000 Micro-finance Institutions where in active operation within 85 countries; financing 150 million micro-entrepreneurs all over the world and offering an array of financial services otherwise inaccessible for poor people in the developing world.
(Note decided to re-publish, or in this case change the publication time of this post with editions / update from yesterday June 19 to today June 20.)

In Peru, ACCION International is partnered with a local Peruvian bank called Mi Banco, which serves as ACCION's main avenue in which to access the Peruvian market on a wide scale, would ordinarily be impossible or very difficult to say the least due to the restrictions in place by formal Peruvian Institutions which at the moment impede many smaller MFI's from evolving into a official bank which can accept deposits and make loans.
I would like to especially extend my gratitude, to a dear professor of mine, whom I was fortunate enough to have on multiple occasions while attending American University, who was a true inspiration. A charismatic and energized teacher who drew upon his real world experience in business, international development and financial management/ investments in over 20 countries-- and a individual whom I truely respect a great deal: Dr. Ghiyath Nakshbendi. International Business Professor at American University Kogod School of Business, he single handedly created and organized the first course to be offered in the Washington D.C area focusing on Micro-Finance. To that I give him my most esteemed gratitude and respect for his forward thinking of mentoring students in what is a very fast growing and continuously more influential field of study and work.
The video below truely describes the power of Microfinance and micro-credit. Consider these ladies, who relied and used micro-credit through to survive... Having to cope with 3 currencies, 4 presidential elections, 1 dictator, hyper inflation, terrorism, violence, abusive husbands... and still prospered beyond what would have in any other shape or matter have been possible.
I use the word prosper loosely here, for they are will working hard, in a hard world and face adversity and challenges on a daily basis. No less it is a incredible example of the power of micro-credit and MFI's and the inspirational ability of such individuals to persevere through such difficult times.
Last, they are a success story so to speak, many examples persist which are sad case studies. Despite this all, progress through the use of Microfinance institutions is being made, especially in comparison to past methods of poverty alleviation.
Great Video below describing what is one of the first cities in the America's... Special thanks to Five Talents International, helping with international development around the world.
And to end this post -- a bit of mixing modern pop culture with helping the dis-empowered, historically ignored, people of the 3rd world.
The power and capabilities of Microfinance to help the global poor is truely unimaginable. I'll personally be investing assets of my own in the Microfinance / Bank / public traded traded company-- Compartamos.
Described here in Businessweek
Summed up in a nice poppish music video / footage from this youtube video
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