Venezuela's PdVSA Reports Successful Oil Drilling Ecuador
A slew of energy developments in a handful of countries in South America has made headlines in the past day or so. For starters Venezuela and Ecuador made headlines this morning once again... this time for successful drilling and exploration in the Amazonian region. The newly established supply of crude will eventually be sent to the new refinery being build on the pacific coast.
Click here to access the full story from Rigzone.
Petrobras' Production Soars 3.3% More in June
Petrobras’ average oil and natural gas production abroad was 218,117 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in June, 8.1%.
Added to the volume lifted from the domestic fields, Petrobras’ total production in June set a monthly record, topping out at 2,421,155 barrels of oil equivalent, 3.3% more than a year ago and 2.3% higher than May 2008.
Click here to access the full story from Rigzone.
Arduous Process of getting the Camisea facilities in Peru up and running
- Wood Snag 3-Year Maintenance Contract for Camisea Facilities
The Camisea Project comprises the exploitation The San Martin and Cashiriari fields natural gas fields, the construction and operation of two pipelines, one for natural gas (NG) and one for natural gas liquids (NGL) and the distribution network for natural gas in Lima and Callao. The pipelines wiII make NG and NGL available for domestic consumption and for export.
Natural gas wiII be transported to the main consumption center in Lima, where it will be used for residential and industrial purposes and to generate electricity, that will then be distributed nationwide through Peru’s existing transmission infrastructure (click here to read more about the Camisea Project)
Wood Group Production Facilities has been awarded a three-year, performance-based contract by Pluspetrol Peru Corporation to provide integrated maintenance services for the Camisea facilities in Peru. The Camisea project includes the largest natural gas field in the region.
Click here to access the full story from Rigzone
Shell to invest $300m in search for oil and natural gas in Peru
Royal Dutch Shell is ready to invest as much as $300 million in exploring for oil and natural gas in Peruvian waters as part of a agreement with BPZ Energy, executives from the two companies said Thursday.
In March, U.S.- and Peruvian-owned BPZ found an estimated 60 million barrels' worth of crude oil and 40 million cubic feet of natural gas in the same region off Peru's northern Pacific coast.
The accord announced Thursday calls for Shell to spend up to $300 million on exploration and - if reserves are found - exploitation of natural gas, while BPZ will put the same amount into searching for crude oil along with an additional $150 million to build an electric plant in the area.
Under the deal, BPZ will get 51.75 percent of any oil or gas produced and Shell will claim the rest.
Click here to access the full story from Rigzone
Geopark Grabs up Additional Petroleum Block in Chile
GeoPark Holdings Limited announced that the Ministry of Mining in Chile has awarded the Otway Block in southern Chile to a consortium consisting of GEOPARK (42%), Methanex Corporation of Canada (16%) and Wintershall Energia SA, a division of BASF Ag of Germany (42%).
The Otway Block is a large new attractive exploration area (5,992 square kilometers) located in the Magallanes region near GEOPARK's Fell Block operation in Chile. GEOPARK is the first and only private-sector oil and gas producer in Chile and the addition of the new Otway Block will further enhance GEOPARK's position as the premier private-sector oil and gas operator in Chile.
Click here to access a previous post in regard to GEOPARK's natural gas discoveries in the Magallanes Region -- published on South-South Cooperation on June 17th, 2008.
Click here to access the full article from Rigzone
Colombia to create oil price stabilization fund
Colombia's government is creating an oil price stabilization fund (FEPC) that will be used to cushion domestic oil prices from unexpected rises on international markets, government news agency SNE reported.
Congress has approved the fund, which is included in the national development plan and must go to the president for final authorization. The finance ministry would administer the fund, which would receive financing from the existing oil stabilization fund (FAEP) owned by state oil company Ecopetrol.
Click here to access the full story from Rigzone
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